Physical Therapy
Dr. Benjamin Kleinbrodt specializes in orthopedic, manual and sports physical therapy. He works to identify the root cause of injury, pain, or dysfunction and designs individualized rehabilitation programs for his patients for optimal recovery.
Through thorough evaluation and assessment Dr. Benjamin Kleinbrodt designs the appropriate rehabilitation program for each patient, and provides his patients with the tools to perform therapeutic exercises and rehabilitative movements at home to support quicker recovery.
What you can expect from your physical therapy treatment with Dr. Benjamin Kleinbrodt:
- Personalized One-on-One Care with Dr. Kleinbrodt
- Non-surgical pain relief and treatment
- Pre & Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
- Spine (Neck & Back) Rehabilitation & Stabilization
- General Musculoskeletal & Sports Rehabilitation
- Migraine & Headache Relief
- Postural re-education
- Repetitive Overuse Injury Rehabilitation
- Gait Reeducation and Training (e.g. Post-Surgery, Musculoskeletal Injury)
- Orthotic Assessment & Evaluation
- Biomechanical Sport Specific Analysis (e.g. Tennis, Golf, Running, Triathlon)
- Ergonomic Assessment